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 LSEMS handbook

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Join date : 2013-01-20
Age : 33

LSEMS handbook Empty
PostSubject: LSEMS handbook   LSEMS handbook EmptyMon Jan 21, 2013 6:49 am

Los Santos Fire and Medic Department
LSFMD Infromation Handbook

List of Contents:

1- Message from the LSFMD
2- Overview of the LSFMD
3- Commands
4- Radio Codes
5- Rules and Regulations
6- Vehicles information
7- Medical Information
8- Pain Medication - Duties
9- Gunshot wound - Duties
10- Broken Bones - Duties
11- Burn Cases - Duties
12- Patient Consciousness - Duties
13- DR.ABDC - Duties
14- Division information
15- Chain of command
16 - Final Summary

1- Message from the LSFMD :
Greetings from the Los Santos Fire and Medical Department! One of the busiest and most rewarding factions within Los Santos, it is a great faction to join in order to get
some great experience and satisfaction in your everyday life. The goal of this handbook is to enlighten old and new members alike to how to operate within the LSFMD, what’s expected, how to properly care for patients and all other miscellaneous things that the Los Santos Fire and Medical Department has to offer.

There are many different divisions that are available to the members in the Los Santos Fire and Medical Department, and people who work hard will be eventually rewarded with the chance to join one of these elite divisions. There is more information on them later on. If you’re looking for a good job, with great self-reward and fulfillment, then the Los Santos Fire and Medical Department is the place for you! Apply on our website to get started, and a member of our Training and Recruitment division will look after you and ensure that you get the proper knowledge and training for the job. Good luck!

2- Overview of the LSFMD :
The Los Santos Fire and Medical Department is one of the busiest and demanding factions In Los Santos. People are constantly getting injured, there are fights between
gangs and Law Enforcement Officers all the time, causing injury to them, and
it can get very hectic at times. However the LSFMD can also be one of the most
fun factions there are, and there’s a lot of things to do and a lot of levels
and departments to join and reach in the LSFMD.

When you are recruited into the LSFMD, you are automatically defaulted
to the MedLife department. This is the basic department at the start,
however it is also the most important for people to be in. This is the
department that is most often going out in the Ambulances and saving
the lives of the injured people in Los Santos, and is relied upon by everyone.

3- Commands ((OOC))

This is the command you will use often to get your gear at the lockers. Every hospital and HQ has a locker. so you can run to those lockers and type /LSFMD. You can:
•Go on duty or off duty
•Get weapons, Kelver and First aid kits
•Change your skin dependant
•Become a civilian
/r :

The radio is the prime method of communication within the LSFMD. It allows you
to talk between your own members in the LSFMD and the members in the
other departments. As we are an emergency service, we depend heavily upon
the radio to respond properly to emergencies in Los Santos. It is for this
reason that spamming, (( long OOC conversations )) and flaming will not be
tolerated in the radio. It is used for proper communication with the higher
ranked members when required, and for the higher ranked members to be
able to properly give commands and receive necessary information from
members to be able to function correctly as the most popular emergency service.

For this reason, anybody who abuses the radio in ways such as mentioned above,
and does not stop after being warned by the highest rank on duty, (( Whether IC
or OOC )) will be eligible for faction strikes and/or kicks.
/d :

This radio is a link between all the departments and allows communication with them. To be used only by R4+ members. The lower rank members can only use this in emergencies or with permission from a Higher rank. /m :

The megaphone command gives the things you say a longer distance to travel, and is yellow noticeable. You can only use rge megaphone for RP reasons. not to shout out "Hey!" to your friend in the distance. Abusing the megaphone will lead to strikes and eventually a faction ban. This is normally used to tell traffic to give way when you are transporting a patient. such as, "LSFMD emergency. Please carfully pull over to the right!" /heal :

LSFMD members can heal any person with 99 Health or below. Although this command is a direct way of healing, I suggest you RP the situation and just use this for OOC healing so that the person is under no more further threats. /getpt :

This command is used to recieve patients when a distress call is issued. though it can also be used if a patient hasn't given a distress signal. but you know they're dying and have thier ID. it will direct you to their beacon, The place that they are dying. and upon arrival, if thier health is below a certain point, They will get their health back so you can perfom emergency life saving techniques to them. /movept :

This command is used to move the patient from a place to another place or from interior to the outside, Dont use it for far areas and use it once or the patient will die. /loadpt :

This command is used to load the patient into the ambulance, The syntax for it is /loadpt [id][seat] where seat bust alwayse be 2 or 3. The driver seat is seat 0. while the passenger seat is seat 1. That is why these two cannot be used. If you use /movept, please before using /loadpt ensure you press "F" once - to get rid of a coding loop that will kill your patient when you load them into the ambulance. /deliverpt :

This command is one of the easiest ones. Once the patient is successfully loaded into the medical vehicle your drive to a /deliverpt point. (indicated by a spinning heart). The locastions for this are:
All Saints - In the alley behind All Saints, and on roof County General.. /listpt :

This command is used to list patients who has send out a distress call.. /dispatch :

This Command is use to send units over to control who accepts medic calls. Use by R3+.. /respawnfreefactionvehs :

Members of the Department with Leadership may use this command to respawn all of the LSFMD vehicles. (Occupied vehicles do not get respawned) /listmembers :

Chiefs of the Los Santos Fire & Medical Department may use this command to see all of the members in the LSFMD. (Even if they are offline) /invite :

Members who have Leadership may only use this command, when you /invite [Players ID] it will send the a message saying you requested them to join the Department, when they accept they will be put into the Department as Rank 0 (Probationary) /uninvite :

Members who have Leadership may only use this command, when you /uninvite a player they will be removed from the faction, their skin will be set to a random one and they will lose all of their LSFMD abilities. 4- Radio Codes

Ten Codes:
10-0 - Officer Down
10-1 - Receiving Poorly
10-2 - Receiving Well
10-3 - Stop Transmitting
10-4 - Message Received
10-6 - Busy But Available
10-7 - Out of Service - Not Available
10-8 - In Service - On Duty
10-9 - Repeat Last Transmission
10-10 - ((Logging off))
10-12 - Off-duty, but in for Emergency calls
10-16 - Probationary needs a patrol EMT to ride with
10-19 - Returning to/at HQ.
10-20 - Location
10-21 - Call via Phone
10-22 - Cancel - Disregard
10-23 - Stand by
10-39 - Status Check
10-44 - Permission to Leave
10-50 - Traffic Accident
10-66 - Suspicious Person
10-76 - En route
10-84 - ETA
10-97 - Arrived on Scene
10-99 - Situation Over

5150 - Mentally Disabled Person ((Newbie))

Status Code:
Code 0 - Game crashed
Code 1 - Routine Response (No lights or sirens)
Code 2 - Moderately Fast Response (Lights on)
Code 3 - Emergency Response (Lights and Sirens on)
Code 4 - No Further Assistance Needed
Code 7 - Lunch Break
Code 10 - Bomb Threat
Code 33 - Radio Silence
Code 100 - Air Unit Required
Code 101 - Police required [location]

5- Rules and Regulations (( IC and OOC ))
• Always follow the chain of command, failing to do so could result in punishment.
• Always follow instructions given by high command. If no high command is online, then follow the instructions of the highest rank online. Failure to do so = strikes.
• Never install nitrous oxide or hydraulics on ambulances – ever. You’ll be punished.
• Any extended OOC/IC arguments with LSFMD members won’t be tolerated. If you have a problem with anything, take it up with someone from high command. (( OOC ))
• When it comes to roleplay, roleplay EVERYTHING. The LSFMD doesn’t accept anybody who powergames or skips roleplay. Do not arrive on the scene of a call in type the following "((Skip RP or RP))". You must role play into the patient has said ((Skip RP)). Failure to do so = strikes. Remember to use /me’s and /do’s, in case there is some condition that the patient has that could prevent your action. ((OOC))
• Nobody in the LSFMD is to operate with a known gang, and/or use their medical skills in the favour of that gang.
• You may take calls from them still, as they are people, but you cannot be the personal medic of a group of people.
• If anybody is proven to have broken a server rule intentionally, they’ll be punished. ((OOC))
• Don’t ever, ever, ever take a patient in active point. If you realise you have taken a patient in active point, then leave them and get another patient. ((OOC))
• Do not do anything that is on the Strike List either, as it will earn you strikes.

6- Vehicle Information
Parking your car in HQ parking bays will not be tolerated; we have a guessed parking lot over the road for this. All vehicles have a designated parking location at HQ and hospitals. All LSFMD members must remember to park it in the correct location. It is extremely important that after doing your duties you park your vehicle into the appropriate parking location, you must disable the lights, engine and radio off.

Important Notice: When parking the vehicle when going off-duty, it must be parked at HQ with NO nitrous and/or Hydraulics, must be repaired, engine off, lights off and radio off. MUST be parked in the correct location at HQ.

Standard Ambulance.

This is the standard Ambulance and the best known vehicle of LSFMD. It is packed with all necessary medical equipment for any EMS unit including stretchers, medic kits and other equipment. These vehicles come with a standard automated becon and megaphone. Rank 0 can drive one alone (with/without a partner). Rank 1 can patrol alone with it. Rank 2-4 can drive it if they are in the Medical division or they have permission. High Command (Rank 5 and 6) can drive this at free will.

Standard Firetruck.

Another standard vehicle of the LSFMD. It has a water tank with a cannon incase of fire emergencies. A fire hose is also located at the back alone with a pipe where you can connec it to any fire hydrant and help the efforts of the water cannon.These vehicles come with a standard automated becon and megaphone. Rank 0 and 1 need permission to drive this. Rank 2-4 can drive it if they are in the Firefighting division or if they have permission. High Command (Rank 5 and 6) can drive this at free will.

Ladder Firetruck.

This vehicle is a less used vehicle of the LSFMD. It contains one ladder one its back side that can be raised. It is mostly used in fire rescue situation such as building fires where you need to get to a height and get people out of the burning building. Recently, this firetruck has been a great demand among car robbers and many people have taken it several times. These vehicles do not come with a standard automated becon and megaphone. Rank 0 and 1 need permission to drive this. Rank 2-4 can drive it if they are in the Firefighting division or if they have permission. High Command (Rank 5 and 6) can drive this at free will.

STARS (Raindance/Maverick).

The commonly used vehicle for an air unit, the STARS is one helpful tool. It is mainly used for quick rescues, for coastguard duties or for remote searches. The STARS is packed with a full medic kit, ropes of nylon, a specially prepared STARS hook with rope and several other helpful tools. These vehicles come with a standard automated becon and megaphone. Rank 0-2 need permission to drive this. Rank 3 and above can fly this at free will after notifying other members.


The Rank 3+'s trustworthy vehicle. Fast and grips the road easily, it is useful for getting around, and usually helpful when the Rank 5+6 has some important meeting and needs to get there as quick as possible. It is also equipped with a medic kit incase of emergencies. These vehicles come with a standard automated becon and megaphone. Only Rank 6 can drive this.

If found driving any vehicle not authorized for you without permission, you will get striked.

7- Medical Information
The most important thing to know when dealing with patients in Los Santos is what your ambulance is equipped with, and how to use it properly. All the ambulances of the LSFMD are ALWAYS equipped with basic life saving kits, advanced life saving kits, oxygen tanks and masks, stretchers, supplies for pain medication and intravenous nutrient supplementation (IV holders, bags and needles), defibrillators and other miscellaneous items that you will require to cater to the unique injuries that you’ll see in your time in the LSFMD. The ambulances (while you may bring your own equipment) contain everything you should need when going out on call to respond for all kinds of injuries, and be able to stabilize the patient before transporting them to hospital. It is NECESSARY to remember that your job is not to cure the patient completely – but to stabilize them to a point where you can safely transport them for a higher quality treatment at a hospital.

8- Pain Medication
It is often necessary to drug the patient, to help them experience less pain when being treated. Gunshot wounds, broken bones and other diseases are very painful, and the stress and shock of the injury could in the worst circumstances lead to cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is important to know what to administer to the patients, and how to administer it. Dosage is always dependent on the severity of the injuries, and the person itself. Try and gauge their injuries and ask them about the pain, before deciding dosage. They can be administered directly through the vein, or through an intravenous drip. To begin with, here’s a few good pain relief drugs to consider:

Propofol – General anaesthetic, when the patient is about to undergo pain.
Codeine – For mild to moderate pain – such as broken bones.
Morphine – For moderate to severe pain – such as gunshot wounds.

9- Gunshoot wound
Los Santos is a very dangerous place to live, with many gangs making our country home. As a result, gun shot wounds are a common cause of injury. The roads are not the proper place to be removing bullets from patients, but it is always vital to know the proper steps in stopping the bleeding and disinfecting the wound, to increase the patient’s chance of survival on the way to hospital. Your basic life saving kit is equipped with scissors, gauze, bandages, alcohol (as a disinfectant) and other useful tools that can be used to help treat the conditions you’ll face on the field. When a patient has been shot, locate the wound, and cut any fabric of clothes away from the wound using the scissors. Their clothes are irrelevant – they can replace them later.

Apply the alcohol to the cloth, and gently disinfect and clean the wound. Normally the wound would be bleeding profusely, a QuickClot gauze strip, (in every basic life saving kit) has coagulant properties in the strip, which can help stop bleeding. Apply with pressure until bleeding stops (( RP IT! )). Then, when the bleeding stops, apply bandages to the wound (with pressure) to finish and take them to hospital for surgery.

10- Broken Bones
Broken bones are of course a common injury in any field of life. Accidents happen, people fall on the wrong place, and things give way and snap. Though it is the responsibility of the member in the LSFMD to ensure that the patient is properly treated, as a bone break or fracture that is improperly treated could lead to patient disability later in life. When treating a patient with a broken bone, remember:

The wound should be disinfected, so no dirt gets in through any open skin. If the broken bone has lost it’s alignment, try and gently pop it back in place. The patient will properly require some morphine or codeine (or another form of pain relief or anesthesia) before this step. If it’s a broken leg or arm, you could wrap the wound in bandages and then place a leg or arm brace or splint onto the wound, and strap it in carefully. Otherwise, you could use some knitted fiberglass bandages, and wrap them around the broken appendage, and once water is applied to it, it will start a chemical reaction and begin to harden. These ones are preferrable as they can be carried within the basic life saving kit and are fairly easy to use and are very portable.

11- Burn Cases
Over the past few years Los Santos has increased with burning cases. When dealing with burn cases you must be extra careful as the patient's skin is very sensitive, so sensitive in the worst-case scenarios they're skin can come off like wrapping paper. Burns happen when your skin comes into contact with something hot, such as fire or by certain chemicals, electricity, and friction. Burns are usually divided in three different categories. It will depend on how much skin the burn has affected. They are divided into the three categories listed below:

•First degree: affect the surface of the skin, making it red, swollen, and painful.
•Second degree: Extends into superficial (papillary). It will make the skin red with clear blisters.
•Third degree burns: The result is white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb.
In every medical bag also known as the A.L.S bag there will be medical water. This will allow you to stabilize the skin from producing an infection, but before applying this antibiotic start an IV line to give the patient liquid so the body does not start to dehydrate. The IV can also be used to give pain medicine (Morphine). Once the medicine has been administered the medical water needs to be applied slowly as possible but notify the patient the medical water is very cold. Then when the patient begins to feel rested and feel less pain, apply bandages to the burned area to finish and then take them to the hospital for surgery depending on the burn level.

12- Patient Consciousness
It is always a bad sign to have a patient unconscious when attending to a patient. There could be any number of things wrong with them internally, but they are unable to tell you what is wrong with them inside or any history of their medical condition. That is why it is necessary to take the utmost care when dealing with an unconscious patient. When your patient is unconscious, you will probably want to attach them to an ECG (electrocardiogram), attached underneath every stretcher in the LSFMD. By attaching the various electrodes to the patient’s wrist and chest.

Most of the electrodes are attached to the pectorals above the heart, and can measure the heart rate, size and position of it’s chambers, presence of any damage to the heart and the presence of drugs or pacemakers. Using this gives the best and clearest view on the state of the patient, as they cannot help you. While doing this, it is also good to use a bag valve mask to help give oxygen to a patient, (though an oxygen tank and mask works just as well), and regulate their oxygen levels. The readings from the ECG can then give you an idea on how to best go about the situation. (( Ask patient in /do once you’ve done this what’s wrong with them )).

Something that not nearly enough of the members in the LSFMD remember is the “DR. ABCD.” This method of assessing the danger of the situation and the response of the patient is crucial in yours and the patients survival. Remember – If you are dead, you cannot save anyone. The life of the medic is always the priority – over anyone. Assess the danger of the situation, and don’t run straight into a battlefield to grab a patient at the risk of your own life. While DR. ABCD mostly applies to when unconscious patients require CPR, always remember these vital steps.

Danger – Check for dangers to yourself and the injured person.
Response – Check if the patient is conscious – ask them what happened.
Airway – If they don’t respond, check to make sure their airway is clear.
Breathing – Check their breathing. If they aren’t breathing, proceed to CPR.
Compressions – Place hands over the sternum, and give compressions and oxygen.
Defibrillation – If after CPR the patient still doesn’t respond, defibrillate them.

14- Division Information
The Los Santos Fire and Medical Department has many divisions with different purposes in aiding Los Santos. A member who has been in the Los Santos Fire and Medical Department for a certain period of time is capable of transferring between departments, if the Chief, Captain or Lieutenant of that department is happy to let you be in the department. The different departments of the LSFMD are Training and Recruitment, Fire Department and Life Flight and the Fire Department. They all have their purposes in assisting the people and the country of Los Santos, though some are more specialized than others. It is important to remember that new members are, by default, placed into the MedLife division, so that they can receive basic first aid training as a priority.

If you are of eligible rank, and have been in the Los Santos Fire and Medical Department for long enough, then quite often a Lieutenant or a Captain may spot you out for doing good work and offer to invite you into their division. Never ask a Captain to join a division! If you are eager to join, follow the chain of command and ask a Lieutenant.

15 - Chain of command
Duty as a Basic

As a basic you are in your position for one reason, to obtain a better understanding of how the Los Santos Fire & Medical Department works. If somebody is a higher rank than you and tells you something, you had better listen and do it. Ensure that you are doing your duties correctly, if you are having trouble with anything follow the chain of command.

Note: Using /d[epartments] will give you a strike if you don’t have granted permission from a Paramedic or higher.

Duty as a Intermediate

As a intermediate you are now know as true member to the LSFMD. You are in a position all basics and must set a good example to everyone. You are now eligible to apply for certain divisions. Ensure that all basics know what to do and show them the correct way. (You still need permission to use /d[ept).

Note: Using /dept will give you a strike if you don’t have granted permission from a Paramedic or higher.

Duty as a Paramedic

As a Paramedic you are now a trusted member to LSFMD. You now have authority over all intermediates and basics. You are to show a excellent standard to everyone. Ensure that all basics and intermediates are doing their duties correctly. You can give permission to anyone who is asking to go off duty with a valid reason, no other permission are granted to you).

Duty as a Lieutenant

As a Lieutenant you are now in charge of an entire division and must ensure everybody does their duties correctly, especially the Paramedics. You are now able to give out strikes and merits to all medics. Ensure that everything is informed every step of the way. There are 2 positions for a Lieutenant:

- The Human Resource Lieutenant (T&R) is the supervisor of Training & Recruitment division. They are eligible to accept/decline applications from citizens of Los Santos or from people trying to join the division, do interviews and training. They are also to over watch the faction and help anyone in need.

- The Fire Rescue Lieutenant (FR) is the supervisor of the Fire division. They are eligible to accept applications for the fire division. They also over watch the faction and help anyone in need.

- The Internal Affairs Lieutenant (IA) is the supervisor of the Internal Affairs division. This mean they over watch the faction and look at IA reports, they also make sure no one is breaking or disobeying the rules both in the faction or on the streets.

- The Ground Unit Lieutenant (GnD) is the supervisor of all of the ambulances on the streets of Los Santos. There responsibility is to make sure calls are being answered in the timely fashion.

- The Life Flight Lieutenant (LF) is the supervisor of the STARS (Raindance/Maverick). There responsibility is to always have a helicopter in the sky to assist ground units when needed..

Duty as a Captain

As a Captain you are eligible to give any permission to anyone. You must ensure that everyone is doing their duties correctly, especially Lieutenants. You are also to ensure that everyone is feeling safe and is happy with everything.

- The Administrations Captain (ADM) is the Supervisor of all divisions mainly forums but IG as well, the role of this position is to ensure the forums are running smoothly and everything is being dealt correctly.

- The Operations Captain (OPH) is the Supervisor of all divisions IG but can assist the ADM on forums. The role of this position is to ensure that everybody is doing his or her duties correctly in-game and that nobody is messing around (aka horseplay).

Duty as a Deputy Chief and Chief

As a Deputy chief or Chief you are now under control of the whole department and must show discipline and over watch the medics.

16- Final Summary
Thank you for reading this handbook. Hopefully, should you apply for the Training & Recruitment Division, the knowledge you’ve gained through this book should guarantee your recruitment into the Training & Recruitment Division.
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